Rete.js - JavaScript framework for visual programming

JavaScript framework for visual programming

A tailorable TypeScript-first framework for creating processing-oriented node-based editors

Enhanced developer experience and facilitated maintainable code creation
Besides visualization, the framework provides Engine and other modules for graph processing
Customizable with diverse plugins and integrable with Angular, Vue.js, React.js, etc

Extensive capabilities

The framework offers enhanced capabilities for customizing the visual appearance and streamline data processing

Code generation

Code generation becomes a viable option for executing a graph due to the framework's versatility

3D embedding

Enhanced integration of multiple editors within a 3D scene, facilitating seamless interaction in AR/VR

Open to improvements

By leveraging its flexibility, the framework enables additional optimizations for achieving exceptional performance

Malleable to changes

Aside from its classic appearance, the framework empowers you to exponentially expand it beyond recognition