Integration - Rete.js



This framework is not bound to any UI rendering framework and can be integrated with the most popular frameworks/libraries such as Angular, Svelte, Vue.js, React.js. The following rendering packages are available:

The primary objective is to empower you to choose the visualization tools that align with your specific needs. Additionally, if you ever need to use the render plugin for a different framework within your application (such as during a project migration), you can easily do so. Please note that rete-angular-plugin is only compatible with Angular applications.

Classic preset


By default, you can use the classic preset that has built-in components for:

  • nodes
  • connections
  • some controls (numeric or text input fields)
import { AngularPlugin, AngularArea2D, Presets as AngularPresets } from 'rete-angular-plugin'

const angular = new AngularPlugin<Schemes, AngularArea2D<Schemes>>({ injector })



The framework allows you to swap out the pre-defined components with any other components as per your needs. The node component, in particular, can be customized extensively. Refer to the Customization guide for more details

Combining render plugins


This framework version has improved approaches for combining various rendering frameworkswhile ensuring TypeScript support. For instance, you can render one node using Vue.js and another using React.js.

import { ReactArea2D, ReactPlugin, Presets as ReactPresets } from 'rete-react-plugin'
import { VueArea2D, VuePlugin, Presets as VuePresets } from 'rete-vue-plugin'

type AreaExtra =
  | ReactArea2D<Schemes>
  | VueArea2D<Schemes>

const reactPlugin = new ReactPlugin<Schemes, AreaExtra>()
const vuePlugin = new VuePlugin<Schemes, AreaExtra>()

reactPlugin.addPreset(ReactPresets.classic.setup({ customize: {
  node(data) {
    if (data.payload instanceof AddNode) return null // prevent rendering of AddNode by React.js
    return ReactPresets.classic.Node
} }))
vuePlugin.addPreset(VuePresets.classic.setup({ customize: {
  node() {
    return VuePresets.classic.Node // render all nodes that weren't rendered by previously used render plugin
} }))

// order matters

The AddNode node in this example is rendered using Vue.js, while all other nodes are rendered using React.js.

Using multiple frameworks at once may have performance drawbacks, but it can also offer a significant boost to prototyping speed when when time-to-market is critical.