Rete CLI - Rete.js

Rete CLI

Rete CLIRollupESLintJestTypeDoc


Rete CLI is a building tool with built-in support for TypeScript and ESLint along with predefined rules. Additionally, it includes Jest. These features make it simple to start building new plugins without having to setup your own environment for building, linting, and testing.

The build feature is based on Rollup and comes with pre-configured Babel presets for TypeScript support.


npm i -g rete-cli

Building the project

The first step is to create a configuration file called rete.config.ts

import { ReteOptions } from 'rete-cli'

export default<ReteOptions>{
  input: 'src/index.ts', // path to entry script
  name: 'Namespace' // namespace for UMD bundles

Run the command

rete build --config rete.config.ts

The generated dist directory is publish-ready and includes all required bundles, type definitions,, and package.json files with their corresponding paths.

The --watch option can be used to trigger automatic project building upon save, while the --outputs option allows you to specify multiple output paths separated by commas for the build destination.

Create an advanced configuration

Let's take a look at several configuration options that are supported:

  • connect Rollup plugins
  • specify third-party dependencies that shouldn't be bundled
  • specify output path
  • connect Babel plugins and presets
import { ReteOptions } from 'rete-cli'

export default <ReteOptions>[ // config with multiple entries
    input: 'src/foo/index.ts',
    name: 'Namespace'
    babel: {
      presets: [
        require('@babel/preset-env'), // used by default, but should be declared when you specifies 'presets'
        require('@babel/preset-typescript'), // used by default
    input: 'src/bar/index.ts',
    name: 'Namespace'
    globals: {
      'rete': 'Rete',
    plugins: [ // specify Rollup plugins
    babel: {
      plugins: [
        // include Babel plugins


By default, running rete build command includes a linting step prior to generating the bundles. However, you can also perform linting independently by running a separate command.

rete lint