Lit - Rete.js


This guide is an extension of the Basic guide and provides instructions for using the @retejs/lit-plugin instead of rete-react-plugin

BasicCustomizationControlsPluginLitContext menuMinimapReroute

This plugin offers a classic preset that comes with visual components for nodes, connections, sockets, and input controls.

Supports Lit version 3

Install dependencies

npm i @retejs/lit-plugin rete-render-utils lit

Plugin connection

import { AreaPlugin } from "rete-area-plugin";
import { LitPlugin, Presets, LitArea2D } from "@retejs/lit-plugin";

type AreaExtra = LitArea2D<Schemes>;

// ....

const render = new LitPlugin<Schemes, AreaExtra>();



Check out the Lit page for an example usage of this render plugin.


This plugin provides built-in controls that are displayed based on the following objects:

  • ClassicPreset.InputControl as <input type="number" /> or <input type="text" />

Simply add the control to the node

node.addControl('my-control', new ClassicPreset.InputControl("number", {
  initial: 0,
  readonly: false,
  change(value) { }

If you want to add different types of controls, you can return the necessary component in the control handler of customize property.

import { MyButtonElement } from './MyButton'

customElements.define("my-button", MyButtonElement);

  customize: {
    control(context) {
      if (context.payload.isButton) {
        const { payload } = context;

        return () => html`<my-button .data=${payload}></my-button>`;
      if (context.payload instanceof ClassicPreset.InputControl) { // don't forget to explicitly specify the built-in <rete-control>
        return () => html`<rete-control .data=${payload}></rete-control>`;

node.addControl('my-button', { isButton: true, label: 'Click', onClick() {} })


export class CustomButton extends LitElement {
  static get properties() {
    return {
      data: { type: Object },

  declare data: object;

  render() {
    return html`
        @pointerdown=${(e: MouseEvent) => e.stopPropagation()}
        @doubleclick=${(e: MouseEvent) => e.stopPropagation()}

This is a simplified version suitable for introductory purposes. For projects, it is recommended to follow the approach demonstrated in the example

Make sure to specify @pointerdown and @doubleclick to prevent the area from intercepting events such as @click.


In a similar manner to the approach outlined above, you can replace node, connection, or socket components.

Customization of all nodes

If you want to completely change the node structure, you can implement your own component similar to node.ts from the classic preset

import { CustomNodeElement } from './CustomNode'

customElements.define("custom-node", CustomNodeElement)

  customize: {
    node(context) {
      return ({ emit }) => html`<custom-node .data=${context.payload} .emit=${emit}></custom-node>`;

The implementation of CustomNodeElement is available in the CustomNode.ts file of the Customization for Lit example.

Specific nodes

You can add an extra condition to apply this component only to specific nodes.

  customize: {
    node(context) {
      if (context.payload.label === "Custom") {
        return ({ emit }) => html`<custom-node .data=${context.payload} .emit=${emit}></custom-node>`;
      return ({ emit }) => html`<rete-node .data=${context.payload} .emit=${emit}></rete-node>`;

await editor.addNode(new ClassicPreset.Node('White'))

Connection customization

Use connection.ts as a starting point from the presets/classic/components directory of the plugin's source code.

import { CustomConnectionElement } from './CustomConnection'

customElements.define("custom-connection", CustomConnectionElement);

  customize: {
    connection() {
      return ({ path }) => html`<custom-connection .path=${path}></custom-connection>`;

Socket customization

Use socket.ts as a starting point from the presets/classic/components directory of the plugin's source code.

import { CustomSocketElement } from './CustomSocket'

customElements.define("custom-socket", CustomSocketElement);

  customize: {
    socket(context) {
      return () => html`<custom-socket .data=${context.payload}></custom-socket>`;

Other presets

Check out the complete result on the Customization for Lit example page.