Plugin system - Rete.js

Plugin system

Source code

Plugins offer the ability to add new functionality mostly through a single entry point. They communicate with each other using signals that propagate from parent plugins to child plugins. Since plugins can have multiple child plugins, these signals are passed through in the order they are connected (it can be important when including plugins such as rete-readonly-plugin)


The following code example demonstrates the creation of two scopes: the parent and the child. Both scopes log signals.

import { Scope } from 'rete';

const parentScope = new Scope<number>('parent'); // number is produced type
const childScope = new Scope<string, [number]>('child'); // [number] is expected types of parent chain

parentScope.addPipe((context) => { // add pipe to parent scope
  console.log('parent', context); // number

  return context;

childScope.addPipe((context) => { // add pipe to child scope
  console.log('child', context); // string | number

  return context;

parentScope.use(childScope); // forward all signals to child scope

const returnedNumber = await parentScope.emit(1); // can emit number
const returnedString = await childScope.emit('a'); // can emit string

Keep in mind that the order of use and addPipe affects the order in which the parent and child handlers are called.


parent 1
child 1
child a

Signals can be modified or prevented in some cases.

Prevent and modify
parentScope.addPipe((context) => {
  return context * 2;
childScope.addPipe((context) => {
  if (context === 'b') return // prevent propagation of 'b'
  return context;

const doubledNumber = await parentScope.emit(1); // 2
const expectedString = await childScope.emit('a'); // 'a'
const expectedUndefined = await childScope.emit('b'); // undefined

Static typing is used to ensure that the expected signals of used plugins are compatible with those produced by its parent plugin.

import { Scope } from 'rete';

const parentScope = new Scope<number>('parent');
const childScope = new Scope<string, [number | boolean]>('child');

parentScope.use(childScope); // Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'string | number'.ts(2345)

Child plugins can access the instance of the parent plugin both for direct access to its interfaces and for producing signals on behalf of the parent plugin

import { Scope } from 'rete';

class Root extends Scope<number> {
  isRoot = true

class Root2 extends Scope<number> {
  isRoot2 = true

const parentScope = new Root('parent');
const childScope = new Scope<string, [number]>('child');


const parent = childScope.parentScope(); // Root instance, but Scope from TS perspective
const root = childScope.parentScope<Root>(Root); // Root instance
const wrongInstance = childScope.parentScope<Root2>(Root2); // throws exception